Effective solutions for LASER Pigment removal



Your best ally in Tattoo & PMU Removal.


Ladybug Special Edition

The same power of Ladybug in another outfit.


andré borring, Sc.d.

Dedicated to making a change… Teaching to make a difference

André Borring is a Bachelor´s degree in Biotechnology for Health Sciences the founder and actual CEO of WB LASER TECHNOLOGY and assists the market with solutions in LASER Technologies, and qualified training for pigment removal and lasertherapy. He is the founder of European LASER School.

Master in LASER, he was parliament member of the European Medical LASER Association, representing the chair of Portugal.

Prior to founding WB, he traveled the world to improve his knowledge of Lasers biophotonics, photodynamic therapies, nanotechnology, and laser micromaterial processing. A renowned professional in his field, he has received several awards, including the 2009 Laser-Procedures Excellence Award by the Huafei Technology Corp. and Beijing Institute of Technology. He is constantly invited to lecture on Lasers.

He was international coordinator of the Brazillian Laser Society in Medicine and Surgery.
